My intentions as I move into 2023.
One word, one focus, multiple avenues of accomplishment.
My focus this 2023 is focused on one word – clear. Being clear. Getting clear. Allowing the clearing.
In 2022, I took steps to dramatically change my life. My Angels were frustrated I wasn’t listening to them. Gentle nudges become forceful shoves. I took a promotion at work (then, working as Post Partum Nurse). I got sick. I got really sick.
Debilitating migraines – 4 to 5 days out of 7. My vision would leave me, or momentarily show me how confusing the world can be if your eyes aren’t communicating well with your brain.
My husband, 7 year old step daughter, and newly 2 year old son got the weakest me they’ve ever seen.
In the MRI machine I vividly remember a message coming to me – so clear – “this is a wake up call.” The MRI tech told me that all she could tell me was that she “sees a mass”. 4 days until anyone called me with results. 4 days to shake up my life.
What did I want in this one precious life? What will I regret if this is the beginning of the end? I quit the promotion at work. I stepped back from my RN job almost entirely, becoming casual status. I opened my own business. The mass is a benign cyst.
I have always known, even as a little girl, that I was born in this body – in this life – for a purpose. That purpose is ultimately to serve humans and this Earth. How do I serve? That is what is currently unraveling.
My compass is now how it makes me feel – nothing else. When I provide Healing Touch to individuals I feel – happy, content, peaceful, RIGHT. I feel like I am in the right place at the right time. The fact that I am going to continue to grow my Healing Touch business this year – that’s clear to me.
What isn’t clear – what else do I want to offer? I have a deep knowing that Healing Touch is one branch of the business/the service I am here to provide. To get clear on building Within Reach into what it wants to be – first I am going to get clear in my body. As I have taken these monumental steps in my life to change my career path, and allow time for rest, self care, and pleasure my intuition has become so much more clear- but I know I am just at the beginning of this journey. My family now gets more of me, the vibrant me.
My body acts as a conduit for beautiful healing energy when I provide Healing Touch (to myself, family members or clients) and the energy moves smoother/quicker/better when I am a clear vessel.
My actions steps as I begin 2023 :
- Oil cleansing (reset the skin)
- Lesson toxic burden on my body (through what I put in, around and on my body step by step)
- Mindful media consumption (less intake all together, nourishing consumption through chosen material)
My physical being is asking for this. My Soul is telling me, this is the best next step as I move forward. So, my question for you, dear reader whom made it to the end of this blog post – what do you want to witness on this journey? As I curate what I share about me (and me being the brand of Within Reach) I want to know – what piques your interest?